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Title Admission requirements
Writer Moin Ahsan Date 2025/01/17
Do you accept Bangladeshi students with HSC certificate for undergraduate admission at your university? What are the English taught Programmes offered at your university and what are the requirements to apply for them?


Thank you for reaching out.

My office is in charge of the admissions of the internationa students who want to take undergraduate courses in Korean.

If you want to take the degree courses in English, please contact Underwood International College (uidadm@yonsei.ac.kr) directly.

Admissions officers make a comprehensive and holistic review of each applicant based on academic achievements as well as non-academic accomplishments. 

We consider whether students have proper sufficient preparation enough to study alongside domestic students and the applicant¡¯s ability to succeed at Yonsei.

We determine a student¡¯s potential for success at Yonsei by looking for academic achievements that demonstrate the highest level of rigor available at the applicant¡¯s secondary school. In accordance with the rules and regulations of college admissions in Korea, GED, home schooling, distance learning, or other equivalent certificates are NOT recognized when applying to international students(non-Korean with non-Korean parents) admissions.

The standardized test scores with the academic curricula are one of the most useful tools to identify academic competencies and reflect the expectations for academic success at the university. We do not require students to submit standardized scores mandatorily, but if they do, we will use it as a reference to identify the core competencies we have established. Yonsei takes into account the educational background, the curriculum of the school the applicants are attending, and other factors to determine academic level of achievement. One of the most important factors is that applicants demonstrate their level of academic achievement by faithfully completing the curriculum offered by their institution.

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Office of Admissions, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Korea

Phone : 02-2123-4131Fax : 02-2123-8614E-mail : ysadms@yonsei.ac.kr
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