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½ÅûÀÚ Sia Kim ½ÅûÀÏ 2022/03/16
Dear all, 

My name is Sia, and I am planning to apply for undergraduate program within Yonsei University. Hopefully, I will be one of your international students next year. 
Right now I am doing research on which college to choose and I am particularly interested in Communications disciplines offered by the College of Social Sciences. I have checked the curriculum and I am very satisfied, it is exactly what I am looking for!

However, their website does not indicate whether all these subjects are available in English, or only in Korean. Just in case, in order to be on the safe side, I would like to double check what language will be used in the classroom. Are there any classes in English or are they mainly conducted in Korean?  

If the college currently offers the program in both languages, then I would like to know to which extent English language based are available. Could you please clarify these details for me?
If the curriculum is designed to be provided in Korean only, should I understand that all international students are required to study in the Underwood International College only. Or I still can apply if my Korean language proficiency test results will meet your ion criteria?

Thank you very much for your time! Really appreciate any help. 

Best Regards, Sia. 


Global Basic Education Division (GBED) All international students who have been admitted to the university should complete Korean language and basic education courses at GBED during their first year. GBED provides international students with intensive Korean language education so that they can improve language skills for academic performances, adjust to college life, and successfully complete their studies at Yonsei University.

Please check this guideline : https://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/seoul/admission/html/counsel/dataView.asp?BBS_NO=2849&s_code=BBS_SUBJECT&s_data=&s_page=1

You should ask the department's office in which language the classes at the College of Social Sciences will be conducted. It may vary depending on an individual's Korean ability, but not all foreign students should apply only to UIC.

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Office of Admissions, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Korea

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