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ÀüÇü Int'l Student
½ÅûÀÚ JIL FAVOUR ½ÅûÀÏ 2024/03/20
To whom ©¥t may concern, Hello, I recently just graduated w©¥th a bachelor's degree ©¥n human anatomy and would l©¥ke to know what are the necessary steps ©¥ would need to take to transfer to your med©¥cal program w©¥thout hav©¥ng to do the pre-med©¥cal year. I would also l©¥ke to know when 2025 adm©¥ss©¥on appl©¥cat©¥ons would be open. I look forward to gett©¥ng a response from you. Thank you.



The 2025 transfer admission guidelines will be announced in early November(You first have to check pages related to 'foreign transfer')

Before applying, You must acquire documents related to Korean language proficiency level 3 or higher and submit. 

In the case of pre-medical programs, evaluation will be carried out in three stages: written exam, document evaluation, and interview. The written exam will covers biology and chemistry and be conducted in Korean Language. 

Please note that, if we determine that an applicant's academic background has not reached an appropriate level, they may not be ed regardless of the number of applicants. 

Best of luck to you,

Thanks and Best regards, 



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Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Yonsei University, 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, Gangwon-do, 26493, Korea

Phone : 82-33-760-2828Fax : 82-33-760-2829E-mail : ysmirae@yonsei.ac.kr
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